about us

Lajnah Tehzeeb Un Nisa

is a Trust registered under Indian Trusts Act, 1882 in the year 2017 under Registration Number 1065308.

Mission & Vision

LajnahTehzeeb-Un-Nisaa is an intelligent response to the Moral and ethical values of contemporary society. Since the human ingenuity has applied science and technology to the baffling extent of innovative drive and development. When we see that the entire world is belted into a single unit. And at the social and cultural level, modern technology has manufactured such devices and instruments of mass communication which has enriched connectivity to a phenomenal extent and created a society that is global in nature. But Alas! It has robbed humanity from its “Moral Instinct”. And we see society declining to the level of moral degradation.

Yes, the uncontrolled ambitious designs and aspirations of materialists have corrupted moral sensitivity. The hurly-burly hello hi Lifestyle has in fact created a void of Digital Divide. A transitional situation that is hostile to the harmony and tranquility of the “Home” that has been disrupted. It’s this alarming situation that has induced us to ponder, think and rethink this ailment of social dynamics. This metamorphosis of humanity is in fact ‘robotic hybridization’. Therefore, in order to lead and guide this estranged humanity on the track of mutual love and brotherhood, we have framed a forum to recreate the value-based society when our focus is on posterity in particular and the rest of the community in general. You see, we have faith and a strong conviction that this universe is governed by Supreme Intelligent Being – The Creator & Sustainer of this World. And as such we as human beings have a natural obligation and responsibility to follow the Commandments of Allah.



has framed a comprehensive and pragmatic Aims & Objectives of this Non-Political Institute which aims at uplifting the society as a whole by contributing its Pie in Preserving the Socio-religious and moral values. However, this forum will preserve its autonomous character and will not have any affiliation directly or indirectly with any Political or non Political Organization.


1. Primarily LTN aims

to be a lighthouse of education that is firmly rooted in contemporary education and scholarship in order that the Prophetic model is central and integrated into all the curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular and living experiences of its members.

2. Establish a research centre

that integrates modern education and erudition to affect society in a positive way by providing prudent solutions to contemporary challenges.

3. To be a doyen of respite

for the “hav­e- nots” in the community.

4. To have a repository of Human capital

who actively and positively contribute to society.

5. To conduct workshops for youth

specifically addressing their nuances and intricacies that are typically associated with youth and yet, most of the time ignored.

6. Long term goals

include establishing a publishing center, schools, and health dispensaries.